Hermit Reflection
by Yang Yang
Barber’s best-known set of songs is the Hermit Songs Op. 29, a group of ten settings of translations of medieval Gaelic or Latin poems attributed to Irish saints and holy persons. He chose texts that are wide-ranging in mood and length, encompassing thoughts that vary from intensely devout to ribald. Barber explained the origin and character of Hermit Songs in his notes: “They are settings of anonymous Irish texts of the eighth to thirteenth centuries written by monks and scholars, often on the margins of manuscripts they were copying or illuminating—perhaps not always meant to be seen by their Father Superiors. They are small poems, thoughts, or observations, some very short, and speak in straightforward, droll, and often surprisingly modern terms of the simple life these men led, close to nature, to animals and to God.” After much thought, I decided to share my work as an amateur photographer interested in religious settings together with my own performance of his music. I chose “The Praises of God,” "St. Ita’s Vision," and “The Crucifixion” from the cycle because together they show a life cycle of Jesus in a simple way: birth, glory, and death. He knows his mission, He came to the world in human form solely to save people, no matter whether those people believe him or not. I know He loves us first, so I want to show the ‘love’ that Jesus gave us in both the music songs and my photography.
“The Crucifixion” When I sang this song for the first time, I can feel the loneliness and chilly in the notes. I wonder When I sang this song for the first time, I could feel the loneliness and chilliness in the notes. I wonder, what kind of love could make one sacrifice himself for us? Here I chose two pictures I took in Basilica of Saint Mary. I remember that day was not a Sunday so there was no sermon but when I saw Jesus hanging on the cross, there was a rainbow projecting on it. I cannot adequately express the feeling I had at that time in words, but I can share the pictures with you. Photos taken at Basilica of Saint Mary by Yang Yang

Accompanist: YingYu Ren
“St Ita’s Vision” I took this picture at the Harvard Art Museum of “Mother and Child” (1901-1904) by Pablo Picasso. It shows the image of mother and son, but I think when Ita prays to God, in her heart she wants to nurse Jesus. Maybe God gives her or maybe not, but I can feel the desire in her mind. I also chose the picture “One in Half” (2015) by Gianni Dessi, because it brings up strong emotion in me. If the spirit fills her heart, she shows the soul of honor. I think Dessi conveys this concept clearly in the work.
Images by Yang Yang

Images by Yang Yang
Accompanist: YingYu Ren
“The Praises of God” I believe that this Barber song is expressed from the narrator's point of view of someone who happily praises and glorifies God and is dumbfounded by anyone who "foolishly" does not act in the same way. I chose my photographs of the sun and sunlit tree to express the feeling the song gave to me

Images by Yang Yang
Accompanist: ZiJian Wei